This .zip file will patch Version DOUCEFRANCE_2008 To DouceFrance_2009E Note that after conversion, the original version will NO LONGER be available on your system. If you wish to retain the original version, use Windows Explorer or other file utility to copy the route to a temporary folder until the conversion has completed. The new version will be renamed, so once it is installed, it is quite safe to move the old version back and then both versions will be available. Installation of Patch Requirements:- You must have the original version of the route and the 6 default MSTS routes available on your PC for this installation to work. 1. Unzip this Patch into your MSTS\Routes folder, it will be placed in a folder named DouceFrance_2009E_Patch Ensure that your copy of WinZip has 'Use Folder Names' checked. 2. Navigate to the Patch folder and click on UpdateMe.bat - This batch file will copy all the necessary files from the Patch folder into the old route folder, delete some old files, and rename the folder to the new route name. 3. Once this has finished, you will be advised to 'Press Any Key' to run the installme.bat file which will then copy any necessary files from the Default routes. 4. Upon completion the .bat will delete the Patch folder which is no longer necessary (and will confuse MSTS if not deleted as MSTS thinks it is another route). 5. Close any DOS windows which are still open then Run your new route. 6. Once you are happy that everything is working as required, it is recommended that you Compact the route with Route-Riter (available for download from or along with many other MSTS library sites). This will remove any extra files left over from the old version of the route.